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US Marbled Beef Short-Rib rolls (380g)


Our award winning wagyu beef is imported from Australia, which is of the highest quality. The beef rolls are freshly cut in the morning so that you can enjoy the tastiest meat from your hotpot. When we prepare our rolls, we will remove the ends of the whole portion so that you will receive most premium quality of the beef. Our beef rolls are so fresh it does not disintegrate when it enters into the hotpot, which is a signature of great quality meat. Our beef rolls are specially selected from the short rib area of the cow. The wagyu beef rolls are a healthiest choice which provides our body with Omega-3.

US Marbled Beef Short-Rib Rolls (380g) 顶级雪花牛肉卷

380 公克
已含  增值税
  • All products weight are approximate. There could be slight variance  on the actual delivery compared to what you have ordered becuase of the nature of the products. Rest assured we serve the best quality under the safest conditions. 

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